Contact us

Key Accounts

Merja Elfvengrén

Regional Leader
+358 20 770 2068

My summer cottage treat is pike forcemeat prepared at open fire.

Janette Havia

Sales Manager
+358 20 770 2067

My absolute favourites are Italian seafood pasta and Vietnamese pho soup. I don’t need anything else. Well, except for a few cabbage rolls.

Henna Åman

Area Manager
+358 20 770 2062

As a Chef rôtisseur I value quality ingredients.

Jari Lehto

Area Manager
+358 20 770 2282

Food is so much more than just nourishment!

Business Support

Tomi Lantto

Yhteydenotot johdon assistentti Varpu Jokelaan

Is there anything better than Antell's itte tehty spinach pancakes?

Varpu Jokela

Executive Assistant
+358 20 770 2081

A varied and tasty lunch cheers up my working day.

Minna Kallio-Valkama

Director, HR and Employee Wellbeing
+358 20 770 2017

I never say no to chocolate!

Mari Kähkönen

Chief Commercial Officer
+358 20 770 2076

I like Finnish freshwater fish dishes.

Henna Hyypiö

+358 20 770 2077

Food is an integral part of my wellbeing.

Meivi Pietarinen

Purchasing Manager
+358 20 770 2074

Authentic Finnish flavours are mouthwatering: new potatoes, rye bread and perch file fried in butter!

Pauliina Lahtivuori

Team Lead, R&D
+358 20 770 2078

Nothing beats the taste of a fish you've caught and cooked yourself on an open flame, topped off with coffee and buns enjoyed by the campfire.

Päivi Kokko

Marketing and Communications Manager
+358 20 770 2060

I wouldn't miss lunch for anything!

Purchase ledger


Other contacts

Austrian Consulate

Antell headquarters in Oulu is also home to the Austrian Consulate.

Annukka Lantto
Honorary consul / Honorarkonsul
Poratie 5 B, FI-90140 Oulu
tel. +358400381616

Oulu, HQ
Poratie 5 B
FI-90140 Oulu

Helsinki Metropolitan Area Regional Office
Jaakonkatu 2
FI-01620 Vantaa

Jyväskylä Regional Office
Yrjönkatu 42
FI-40100 Jyväskylä

Tampere Regional Office
Vehmaistenkatu 5
FI-33730 Tampere